Care Inspections UK



More than 1-in-3 residential care homes* in South West England inspected by the Care Quality Commission over the 12 month-period to 1 December 2022 were found to be ‘failing’, according to figures obtained by Independent Care Inspections.

During this period, 389 residential care homes in the region were inspected by the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

The research showed that, in the period covered:

  • 163 care homes were ‘failing’ ie rated as Inadequate or Requires Improvement (41.9%)
  • Just 4 homes in the region were rated as Outstanding

The figures were compiled using publicly available information and analysed by Independent Care Inspections, which is the UK’s first and only independent Registered Inspection Body to receive UKAS certification allowing it to inspect care homes offering residential, nursing, dementia, learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, and mental health services for compliance with the latest British Standard for Adult Residential Care.

Kevin Groombridge, chief executive of Independent Care Inspections, said: “These figures show that the quality of residential care homes in the South West of England has some way to go. This news will be worrying for the family and friends of care home residents, but it should also be reassuring to know that the Care Quality Commission is doing its job by identifying underperforming homes.

“Receiving a rating of Requires Improvement or Inadequate should be a wake up call for the operators of these care homes that things need to change rapidly. Delivering Outstanding residential care is rooted in having the discipline to follow best practice, policy and procedures, with continued audits to ensure that high levels of care are maintained.

“Sometimes, knowing where to start can be difficult. Having a trusted partner who is able to provide a non-judgemental review of your policies and practices, then providing guidance to steady the ship can go a long way towards setting a course to being Outstanding.”

Independent Care Inspections supports care homes to improving care and better outcomes for residents and offers a guarantee that regulatory ratings will improve. Its inspections differ significantly from those of the State regulators in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland because they are evidence-based rather than judgements. This means that a care home can understand what is compliant and what needs to be addressed.

The comprehensive report that is produced after each Independent Care Inspections visit provides authoritative and objective evidence that will support care homes’ improvement plans by identifying strengths and weaknesses, risk factors and the effectiveness of risk management.

It also provides reliable, evidence-based information for potential residents and their families when making a placement decision. Operators can commission an Independent Care Inspections assessment to ensure that the service will meet the expectations of the regulators at the next regulatory inspection.

*CQC defines residential social care as care home services with nursing, care home services without nursing and specialist college services



CONTACT: Caroline Walker on 01325 363436

Notes to editors:

As a registered independent inspection body, ICI undertakes inspections of care homes and issues detailed inspection reports to assist operators of care homes, care home groups, financiers and insurers, to achieve a higher level of compliant care, and to identify deficiencies or risks to the care home. ICI can assess homes against all English, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Ireland Care Home Regulatory and Inspection Standards, and in addition assess care home compliance to the British Standard for Adult Residential Care – BS8606:2019.

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Kevin Groombridge, chief executive of Independent Care Inspections
Kevin Groombridge, chief executive of Independent Care Inspections
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