Ebac Ltd



John Elliott MBE DL, the man who invented the first dehumidifier specifically for the UK weather conditions, and founder and chairman of Ebac Ltd, the UK’s only dehumidifier manufacturer writes:

When we see condensation this means there is excess moisture causing mould and other damp problems even though these may not be visible. Mould and mildew can be a nightmare for any homeowner. They are a health hazard, and can spread very quickly. Mould thrives in humidity and getting rid of it should be a priority.

There are experts giving good advice on how to avoid or treat it. However, it seems that one key element of controlling mould is often forgotten – taking the humidity out of the rooms.

Put simply – mould spores, which are invisible to the naked eye, need moisture to survive and grow. If we remove excess moisture in the home the mould will die. As mould spores are continually in the atmosphere from outside air, you need to constantly maintain lower humidity levels in the property to prevent mould growth.

A dehumidifier removes excess moisture in the home and reduces the humidity level, which prevents airborne mould spores from breeding and stops mould growth.

Mould has long microscopic fibres called hyphae, which lengthen and grow. From a very small patch of mould, areas can be covered in a fairly short space of time. The mould also releases spores that can travel through the air to other parts of the property. They land where nutrients and moisture are available then starts to grow on that surface too.

Mould is more likely to form in homes with poor ventilation. Avoiding excess humidity, condensation on surfaces and excess moisture in materials will decrease the chance of mould growth. An effective way to avoid this mould growth is to ensure the air in the home is of good quality – by using a dehumidifier.



CONTACT: Caroline Walker on 01325 363436

Notes to editors:

Ebac manufactures a growing range of electrical products for the home, which make life better. Founded in 1972, Ebac has been at the forefront of dehumidifier and water cooler manufacturing for more than 40 years and 20 years respectively, and is now expanding its range of products, having launched a range of air source heat pumps in 2013 and developed its facilities and team to move into home appliances in 2014.

The company is the UK’s only manufacturer of washing machines.


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John Elliott MBE
John Elliott MBE
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